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Vaibhaw Verma

Priyanshu Gautam

When I think about IIT the first thing I remember is how I got here. When I was in 12th, I had a lot of intelligence but my leaning towards the arts was more, politics has been my favorite subject and physics I have not yet understood. Well then boarding used to be in school and the atmosphere was quite similar to the culture of our IIT hostels. Some of the friends I had been with for six years apparently got close so when they decided to travel to Kota after the tenth, I got together thinking that the top would have been difficult to stay alone and the second one in making maths. It was a little fun, similarly, we reached Kota and from there IIT Delhi.

My goal of coming to Delhi was to prepare for civil services, but as soon as IIT came, I got so much experience that there are opportunities for progress in other areas along with studies. Our BRCA orientation was done and then gradually the program for the first year also started. I got two great roommates one of them was more interested in drama and one of them debating and then we all three participated in Hindi Samiti and Literary Club programs together and sometimes win some, as a result, we three in the hostel. Some of the names were probably done. Personally, I used to write poems for a few years so Hindi committee was my favourite. I got along with many seniors in the committee especially in the first and second year when they made me an important member of the committee as the elected representatives were made. My first image inside IIT was created by the Hindi Samiti, the foundation of Andaz-e-Bayaan was laid in the first year and this wonderful journey continues with the Hindi Committee.

Well, after the end of the third semester, I became ' Satti ' and the round of elections started from here, there were speculations and I had my own intention to contest for the post of Hindi Committee Secretary but this was the year when volcano's internal politics Very interesting, opinion advised from friends, every decision was tested on the balance of loss and profit and the final collective determination was to secure home first, I became a candidate for the post of Cultural Secretary Volcano. Openly the election screws were tried, there was a lot of publicity that was decisive as the decision of which direction the majority injection will go inside the hostel is made by the strong postgraduate students. Six positions were held inside the hostel and we got victory overall. The Hindi committee secretary was also elected as a very best friend, so there was an enthusiasm of victory at this time, as well as the hope that we will also try to work with the same purity that we tried to contest the election, in which we are successful. Also happened. Unfortunately, in the election environment, the cracks among friends also flourished. There were elections, an ideological competition was obviously a matter but it was so angry that she even took personal commitments and the elections were over but she was sour. Not being able to end this infection there is probably my failure. Well, two four friends with the same enthusiasm always stood by me, as a cultural secretary all I got was all of us. As far as educational activities are questioned, my CG has been almost the same, so I don't think activism in other fields has no particular negative impact on them.

This year I got the opportunity to work with the Hindi Committee Secretary in Rondevu 2018, we both tried to do something new as far as possible. It is a common feeling that over the years our debating tradition has been built in such a way that a huge group of people stays out of its realm unknowingly because of their background, keeping in mind that we are in the same Rondevu. A young parliament has also laid the foundation.

Our annual poet conference was a hit as usual but our tradition of having a student poet seminar in Rondevu which was done among 30-40 people in a room in lecture hall, we organised her style Changed in, added organisations who were engaged in the propaganda of Hindi poetry and about 200 people came to the same program that year. I still consider this event my biggest administrative success in IIT.

From the month of August rd year, I had also started coaching of UPSC, my attempt was to give most of my time for preparation in the last year, so I had no intention of contesting for any other post after the cultural secretary. Many times we don't have control over the circumstances, for the first time in January 2019, we discussed the candidate for the RCA General Secretary and what was discussed, very serious discussion. We all realized that the election of RCA General Secretary is often the centre point of student politics of the institute, the reputation of that post is not less and the experiences related to that responsibility are probably unique in itself. Keeping these reasons in heart, then it was decided that the program of UPSC should be postponed for a few days and hands should be washed in this Ganga too. I and my friends took over the campaign, we tried as far as possible to meet every voter in person, the experience of the huge campaign run in the hostel last year was a great job, some of the benefits we have in the election and Some were then to understand the work correctly, politics was left to seniors and after all this election was in our favour.

My first priority as General Secretary was the successful event of Rondevu, decided to take pro-night out of the open-air theatre, the idea was that if Alan Walker has to concert, the crowd will come, so the big ground will be needed । Well Mr Alan Walker was quite out of our budget but there were other benefits of concerts in the big ground, for example, apparently, it would have been easy to give admission to all staff, faculty and students etc. We also got unexpected support from the administration on this issue. First Nalanda Ground was selected then due to some technical reasons we decided to put it in the football ground. There have been many other important things that our team is credited to, in fact, I don't get any of the ways first year to last year students to do this event together. After the heavy rains on the second day of Rondevu, the way the system was restored the next morning, that act cannot be done by a single General Secretary, I consider myself lucky to have a group of friends that I have got. Sang is engaging with his hundred per cent dedication those days. Yes, preparation for UPSC has been in a cold bag for some time in this affair but the journey I took to start a creative work from a new end to its destiny was a unique experience for me.

I agree that this journey of four years is not just my journey, mostly it is a journey of a group of efforts where my friends, seniors, juniors, teachers, staff and I are all together at some point. Are. Apparently, it's a common story so when Pratyush first messaged me to write something for this series of BSP I was hesitant, but in my second year I'm a member of BSP myself so once again How do I leave the chance to live those memories.


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