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Nikhil Gupta - PanScience Innovations

Updated: Sep 9

Nikhil Gupta (CH1)

Domain: Product Management

Interned at PanScience Innovations, Delhi

Mode: Offline Interviewed by: Pragun Pudukoli


I am a 3rd-year Chemical Engineering student. I have recently interned at PanScience Innovations, where my role was Associate Product Manager. 


I was open to going for most kinds of internships apart from those related to coding. After studying computer science in classes 11th and 12th and COL100 in my first year in college, I was determined that I do not like coding. To understand research internships better, I took up a project under a Professor at IIT Delhi during the winter break after my third semester. After doing this project, I felt that I did not have a strong inclination towards research in this field although I like chemistry as a field. After this realisation, I only did a little cold mailing for research internships. Then, I decided to try for a business internship to gain experience in this.

I was willing to do a business internship in any of the offered fields that did not involve coding, which is how I narrowed it down to Product Management.


I made up my mind to do a business internship in January. Since my fourth semester was very hectic in both academics and extracurriculars, therefore I managed to start the mailing process only after the end of my fourth semester. I would not recommend this, though. Start as soon as possible if you have decided on what type of internship you wish to do.

Your enthusiasm and interest to learn are what matter in your application. The people who are hiring you know that you have done only two years of college. They know how much they can expect from you. After you start the internship, you will be told what you have to learn, and then you can acquire the required skills. So, unlike coding-related internships, where you may have to know a particular language or application in advance, and research internships, where professors may look at the courses you have taken, your interest in doing the internship is what mainly matters here. There was no hard preparation that I did. I made a CV more oriented to business internships, which greatly concentrated on my ECAs and PORs. While hiring for business interns, people look for ECAs and PORs; they matter, but you can also mention some ECAs that may not be on eacademics portal which are something you would have done on your own.


PanScience Innovation is a startup incubator. It helps different startups to grow and provides resources. I had two roles there. 

Firstly, I worked with a specific startup, Parchaa, a healthcare AI system. My job here was to evaluate where Parchaa could be used. I researched the rural healthcare system a lot to understand it and think about how Parchaa could be included in it. I also looked at what the competitors of Parchaa were offering so that our system could be made better than those provided by others. Some of my work was also related to outreach. I contacted NGOs and told them about Parchaa. Such work can involve drafting emails and preparing brochures. The other role was the overall management of PanScience Innovations, which involved catering to different startups. I had to streamline the communication with various startups. 

A lot of communication and talking is involved in a Product Management role. However, your role could be more flexible at a startup because they are not fully developed companies with a defined structure. Therefore, being in a PM role here does not mean you will only do tasks related to a PM role.

Most of the people I worked with were helpful and friendly. Occasionally, I had the opportunity to do fun activities as well. There were some other people from IIT Delhi at PanScience as well. I used to talk to them. Although most people were friendly, some were strict. So, the whole experience was a mixed one for me.


I got a lot of rejections initially while applying for internships. I became very anxious when I was not getting any replies to my emails. I was worried about whether I would get an internship or not.

Working in a startup requires a lot of effort. I knew I would have to put in much hard work. My work hours were from 9 AM to 7 PM. I had a hectic schedule. I had to wake up early, and after returning at 7 PM, I had to do tasks related to my position as Chief Editor at BSP. The work I had to do easily consumed my whole day. It was challenging to manage everything I had to do, including preparing for my third-year internship and the tasks I had to do related to the clubs I was part of.

To manage other tasks along with my internship, I utilised the free time and breaks I used to have in the office. During this one-month internship, I did not prepare much for the third-year internship process. After this internship, I did another one which was online, so I had enough time to prepare then.


Although I had a very fruitful experience, if I had started my mailing process earlier, like in the early fourth semester, I could have gotten a more suitable company where I would have had a better work experience. Before this internship, I was not much into business and how companies or startups work, but this internship helped me gain knowledge in these domains. I got a lot of unique information about startups. I also learned how to communicate formally because one part of my internship involved pitching to NGOs.

The mailing process requires a lot of patience, which I didn’t have then. One should have enough patience during this process.

Sometimes, during your internship, you get scolded when you don't perform up to the expectations of the manager. At that time, it is normal to feel nervous and insecure. You do feel bad at that time, but this is very common. If you are unable to do something, you can learn it later. Whenever managers and HRs make such statements, they do not really mean it. They are also frustrated. So, do not take any of these words very close to your heart, and do not get disheartened because it is a part of the work culture in many companies. People working in companies are accustomed to this culture.


Everyone should try to do an internship after the second year as it is a good experience and a great way to learn things. Do not choose an internship just because you will get to travel somewhere. Although this could be an additional reason, you should also learn something from it.

If you are still deciding on the role you want, apply for different types of roles, such as research and business internship positions. Finally, depending on the offers you get, you can decide later what kind of role you want to do.

Everyone can get an internship after their fourth semester, but depending on how soon you begin the process, the quality of the internship you get can differ.

Talk to as many seniors as possible. You can specifically talk to seniors who have already interned in the companies you plan to apply for. There are some companies where IIT Delhi students generally intern. You can learn about the work experience in such companies by contacting seniors.

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