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CAIC GSec Miles

Muskaan Jain

Completed Points:

  • Updated the department websites for better research visibility: All department websites were updated and similar research was grouped to provide better visibility.

  • Instituting a calendar to each student with classes and other appointments: A student calendar was given to individual students where they could print out their weekly schedule.

  • Science popularization events in Tryst to be held with pop science speakers and speeches: Two speakers from ISRO were set to speak before the coronavirus pandemic cancelled the event.

  • Updating the CAIC website to keep student body updated on all club/society activities: The website was remade from scratch and all clubs and societies were given access to the site to update their activities.

Partially Completed Items

  • Restarting work for the Board for tech clubs to put forth issues related to tech clubs: A proposal was put forth to the dean office but has not moved forward hence.

  • Updating the CAIC constitution: The CAIC constitution which was last reviewed in 2017(but not approved), was updated to be centred around and give more power to the Dept. Societies/Clubs and put forward for approval, but has not yet been approved due to difficulties caused by the coronavirus pandemic.

Incomplete Items

  • Expanding purview of CRF to include all labs in IITD: The equipment available for booking on the CRF site does not cover all equipment in IITD labs.

  • Introduction of UG-PG research projects on the lines of 1-2-3-4: No such projects were floated in the 2019-20 academic year.

  • Restructuring of Departmental societies: (Research team to interact with and float research projects with different professors, Mentorship teams to mentor freshmen with TA, PG and senior UG students, Administrative team to organize events like symposium and maintain dept. Website) None of the departmental societies in the institute currently have this three-body structure.

  • Allowing PG students to enrol in below 700 level electives and reducing the workload of PG students in their 1st semester: No information available. The initiative was also found unimplementable, on our consultations with PG students. Most were comfortable with their 1st sem workload but wanted to remove courses from their 3rd sem.

  • Creation of interdepartmental minors in upcoming fields: No new minor degrees in upcoming interdisciplinary fields were floated.

  • Introduction of symposium events in Tryst in conjunction with large publications and journals: No such events planned.

  • Creating provisions for research and travel grants for UG students for symposiums etc: The existing provisions provide doctoral students to receive travel grants if one is presenting a paper/poster at a conference, but the program still does not include UG students or students attending without presenting a paper.

  • Organization of Alumni events with AAIP to generate scholarship avenues: No such events were conducted.

  • Establish a CAIC orientation to introduce freshers to the structure: No proper introduction was done to present the CAIC structure to incoming students.

  • Creation of council overseeing problems faced by students in their research thesis: No information available.

  • Online portal for all academic and administrative forms: No information available.

  • Formulating methods for carrying over remaining contingency grants for students into next year: No information available.

There was no End Term report submitted by the CAIC GSec. The General Secretary refused to provide comments or collaborate with the project.


Analysis done by Nandan IP

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